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SEO Interview Questions and Answer- latest 2024

SEO Interview Questions and Answer

SEO Interview Questions and Answer

SEO Interview Questions and Answer. Every day, thousands of new websites are created. To stay competitive and attract relevant visitors, search engine optimization (SEO) is essential. That’s why people with the right SEO skills are in high demand.

If you’re looking to build a career in this field or switch to a new job, it’s important to be prepared for SEO job interviews. To assist you, we have compiled some of the most common SEO interview questions and answers for freshers, SEO Executives, SEO Analysts, Senior SEO Executives, and SEO Managers.

Basics of Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

If you’re a total beginner, you need to know what SEO is.

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. It’s the process of making a website rank higher on search engines like Google, Bing, Baidu.

In simple terms, if you have a website, you want the right people to visit it. SEO helps bring those people to your site. Many factors affect SEO. By studying these interview questions, you’ll learn a lot about SEO and be ready to ace your next interview and get the job you want.

What Does an SEO Professional Do?

1. Understand the latest ranking factors.

2. Create strategies based on those factors.

An SEO professional’s main job is to:

3. Apply relevant techniques.

4. Work with content and web development teams to optimise the website.

The goal is to make the website better for users and search engines. This helps bring more visitors to the site and improve its ranking on Google for relevant search terms. (important SEO Interview Questions)

Tips for Preparing for an SEO Job Interview

Whether you are a fresher or an experienced professional, here are some important things to know before applying for the job and attending an interview:

Important SEO Fundamentals for Freshers:

Learning the basics of SEO is important for freshers before an interview. Many companies ask simple SEO questions for beginners, so being prepared is key. Taking an online or offline SEO course or internship can help you land a good job more easily.

Below is a list of SEO basics you should be familiar with:

  1. What is SEO, and how does it function?
  2. Why is SEO crucial?
  3. What are the primary types of SEO?
  4. How do you conduct keyword research?
  5. What distinguishes on-page SEO from off-page SEO?
  6. What are some popular SEO tools?

SEO Interview Questions For Executive Role

  1. How would you define the concept of SEO as it relates to digital marketing?

SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is the practice of optimising websites to rank higher on search engines like Google, Bing, and others. It’s about making your site more visible to people searching for relevant information, which can lead to increased traffic and potential customers.

  1. What makes SEO so important?

SEO is important for enhancing a website’s discoverability and business presence across search engines. It contributes to expanding website traffic, drawing in potential clients, facilitating online sales, and supporting business growth.

SEO is important for businesses because it:

1. Builds trust and authority,

2. Reaches a wide audience,

3. Improves user experience,

4. Drives leads and sales,

5. Measures results accurately, and

6. Ensures long-term success online.

  1. What does Google Autocomplete do?

Google Autocomplete is a feature that suggests search queries based on what users are typing into the search bar. It helps users complete their searches quickly and conveniently by providing relevant suggestions. This feature is valuable in SEO as it reflects what people are searching for related to specific topics, products, services, or businesses, allowing marketers to understand user search behaviour and trends. (important SEO Interview Questions)

  1. What does a domain name do?

A domain name is like your digital address on the internet. It’s the unique name that identifies a website, making it easier for people to find and access your site. It’s akin to your online identity or brand’s virtual home.

It’s like having a unique username for your website. Once a domain name is taken, no one else can register it, just like how you can’t have the same username as someone else on social media.

  1. How does a domain name differ from a domain name extension?

A domain name includes the full address of a website, like or The extension, or top-level domain (TLD), is the suffix at the end, such as .com or .in. For instance, in, the extension is .com, and in, it’s .in. There are many types of domain name extensions available, including:

– .com

– .in

– .net

– .org

– .edu

– .co

– .shop

– .online

– .wiki

– .cab

– .academy

– .me

– .app

This is just a sample, as there are many more extensions you can choose from for your website.

  1. How do keywords function in SEO?

Keywords in SEO are the words or phrases people use when searching for something online.

For example, if I’m writing an article about the “Top Digital Marketing Agencies in Pune,” I need to find out what terms people are searching for on Google related to this topic.

Keywords can be:

– digital marketing agency in pune

– best digital marketing company in pune

– digital marketing services in pune

– digital marketing in pune

– best digital marketing agency in pune

– marketing companies in pune, Etc

I would use these keywords in the article to match what users are searching for. This is a key concept in SEO and important for SEO interviews for beginners.

  1. What does “keyword density” mean in the context of SEO?

Keyword density refers to how often a keyword appears in content compared to the total number of words. For instance, if a keyword is used five times in a 500-word article, the keyword density would be 1%.

  1. Is the frequency of keywords important in SEO?

Keyword density matters in SEO because using too many keywords repeatedly can lead to keyword stuffing. This is not good for SEO because search engines prefer natural and informative content. So, it’s important to maintain a balanced keyword density to avoid keyword stuffing and improve your website’s SEO performance. (important SEO Interview Questions)

  1. What does “keyword stuffing” mean in the context of SEO?

Keyword stuffing in SEO is when you use too many keywords on a webpage just to try to rank high in search results. It’s like cramming in too many words that don’t fit naturally. This used to be common, but now search engines like Google focus on quality and context. Keyword stuffing is a no-go because it can actually hurt your ranking instead of helping it. Instead, use keywords naturally in your content so it reads well and makes sense.

  1.  Could you explain the various categories of keywords used in SEO? 

Here are alternative ways to categorise SEO keywords based on intent, length, and other factors:

Types of SEO Keywords Based on Intent:

1. Educational keywords

2. Brand-specific keywords

3. Purchase-focused keywords

4. Action-oriented keywords

SEO Keyword Types Based on Length:

1. Primary keywords

2. Secondary keywords

3. Detailed keywords

Other Types of Keywords:

1. Location-specific keywords

2. Semantic keywords

3. Evergreen keywords

4. Trending keywords

  1.  Where are keywords utilised?

Keywords play an important role in SEO, and knowing where to place them is essential for on-page optimization. Here are the key areas where keywords should be utilised:

  1. Meta Title
  2. Meta Description
  3. URL
  4. Page Content
  5. Image Alt Tag
  6. Subheadings
  7. Anchor Text

It’s one of the top SEO interview questions in 2024 because understanding the strategic placement of keywords is fundamental to effective SEO. (important SEO Interview Questions).

12)  What does bounce rate mean in SEO?

The bounce rate in SEO refers to the percentage of visitors who land on a page of a website and then leave without interacting further.

For instance, if a blog post attracts a lot of traffic, but most users exit the page without clicking any links or exploring other parts of the website, the bounce rate will be high.

For product and service pages, a high bounce rate indicates that users are leaving without making a purchase or filling out forms.

Google Analytics calculates the bounce rate based on the number of visitors to a web page compared to the number who leave without any interaction.

A user is considered bounced if they:

– Close the tab or window

– Click the back button

– Enter a new URL or perform a different search

– Remain inactive until the session times out.

13) Can you explain what a sitemap is in SEO?

A sitemap is a file that shows search engines like Google all the pages on your website that you want them to find and index. It’s like a map of your site.

This file helps search engines understand your site’s structure better. Website owners or SEOs include URLs of different pages, blog posts, and other content in the sitemap to make sure they are indexed and can attract visitors. (important SEO Interview Questions)

14) How to locate a website’s sitemap?

The simplest method to find a website’s sitemap is by entering the website’s URL and adding sitemap.xml at the end.

If this doesn’t work, try these other sitemap file variations:

Another way to find the sitemap is by checking the robots.txt file of the website. The sitemap link is often listed within this file.

15) Can you explain what a robots.txt file does?

A robots.txt file is used to give instructions to search engine bots on how they should crawl and index a website and its pages.

This file is in plain text format, containing only text without any HTML. Its purpose is to manage and restrict the bots’ visits to certain parts of the site. Typically, it is the first file that crawlers check when they visit a website. (important SEO Interview Questions)

16) What are meta tags in SEO, and what types are there?

Meta tags are small pieces of HTML code used to organise and describe the content on a webpage to search engines like Google. They help search engines understand what your page is about. For instance, a meta title tells search engines what title to display on the search results page. (important SEO Interview Questions)

Each webpage on a site has meta tags, which are part of the HTML code and not visible to visitors.

  1. Meta Title: Gives the page title for search engine results.
  2. Meta Description: Offers a brief page summary.
  3. Meta Robots: Directs search engines on crawling and indexing.
  4. Heading Tags (H1 to H6): Define page headings.
  5. Image Alt Tags: Describe images for accessibility and SEO.
  6. Canonical Link Tag: Specifies the preferred URL version.
  7. Social Media Meta Tags: Customise how content appears on social platforms.
  8. Meta Viewport: Controls page display on different devices, especially mobile.

17) Can you explain what a meta title does in SEO?

The meta title, also known as the title tag, is the title of a webpage that appears in search engine results pages (SERPs). It’s the title users see in their browser tabs and search engine listings. For instance, the meta title of our webpage on online digital marketing courses might appear like this in SERPs:

18) What’s the best length for a meta title, and is there a maximum character limit?

The ideal length for a meta title is typically between 50 to 60 characters to ensure it appears correctly on search engine results pages (SERPs). If it exceeds this limit, Google might cut it off. It’s important to note that Google now considers meta title length in pixels, around 580 pixels for optimal visibility. (important SEO Interview Questions)

19) What does the alt tag do for SEO?

The alt tag, also known as alt text or alternative text, is an HTML attribute that provides a textual description of an image on a webpage. It serves as an alternative for users who cannot view the image due to technical issues or disabilities and helps search engines understand the content of the image for SEO purposes.

20) What are the most important factors influencing SEO rankings in 2024?

Here are some of the major ranking factors for SEO in 2024:

– Utilisation of targeted and relevant keywords

– High-quality content

– Fast website loading speed

– Secure website (SSL Certificate)

– Mobile-friendly design

– Backlinks from authoritative niche-specific sites

– Optimised meta titles and descriptions

– Image optimization

– Proper use of heading tags

– Internal and external linking

– Fixing broken links

– SEO-friendly URLs

– Server location

– High website uptime

– Good website usability

– Use of schema and structured data

– Low bounce rate

– Domain authority

– Presence of a sitemap

– Use of canonical tags

– Core web vitals

21) How can you use Google Autocomplete to improve SEO?

Google Autocomplete shows suggestions based on what people are searching for. This can help us understand popular search queries and find long-tail keywords.

We can also use these suggestions to focus on specific keywords in our content.

22) What does ccTLD mean?

A ccTLD, or country code Top-Level Domain, is a domain name extension used for country-specific websites or by businesses targeting customers in a particular country.

Here are some examples of ccTLDs:

23) How does International SEO work?

International SEO is the process of optimising your website or blog for different countries or regions.

For example, if most of your website visitors are from India, you can optimise your site to improve their experience. You can do this by:


If you have some experience in SEO, you may already be familiar with these concepts as common SEO interview questions for beginners.

24) What’s the top keyword density checker tool?

There are many online tools for checking keyword density, but a few reliable ones include:

26) How do you categorise keyword difficulty scores as low, medium, and high?

 Categorising Keyword Difficulty Scores

– Low Keyword Difficulty: 1 to 29

– Medium Keyword Difficulty: 30 to 70

– High Keyword Difficulty: 70 to 100

27) How many keywords should you use in an article while keeping a good balance?

The number of keywords in an article depends on its length to maintain the correct keyword density.

For example, in a 1000-word article, aim for about 7-8 keywords, keeping them naturally integrated into the content.

28) Does the bounce rate impact a website’s SEO performance?

Absolutely, bounce rate can influence a website’s SEO. When many visitors exit without engaging, it signals potential dissatisfaction with content, user experience, or speed.

Since SEO focuses on enhancing user experience, a high bounce rate indicates room for improvement. This can affect page rankings, particularly if competitors’ similar pages have lower bounce rates.

29) What is the SEO concept known as the “Sandbox”?

The Google Sandbox is like a waiting period for new websites. It can keep them from ranking high in search results, even if they follow all the SEO rules correctly. This delay can last a few months, even for sites with unique but slightly different content.

30) How can we lower the bounce rate of a website effectively?

Here are some tips in simpler terms to reduce your website’s bounce rate:

  1. Match Titles and Content: Make sure your page titles (like what appears in search results) accurately reflect what’s on the page.
  2. Easy-to-Read Content: Write in a way that’s easy for people to understand, avoiding jargon or complicated language.
  3. User-Friendly Design: Improve how your website looks and works, so it’s easy for visitors to navigate and find what they need.
  4. Limit Ads: Don’t overload your site with too many ads, as they can distract and annoy visitors.
  5. Use Visuals: Include images and videos that are relevant and engaging to keep visitors interested.
  6. Faster Loading: Work on speeding up your website so people don’t get frustrated waiting for pages to load.
  7. Internal Links: Link to other pages on your site that are relevant to what visitors are reading, helping them explore more.
  8. Fix Technical Issues: Make sure there are no problems like broken links or errors that could turn people away.

31) What does mobile SEO entail?

Mobile SEO focuses on optimising a website’s performance and user experience specifically for mobile devices like smartphones and tablets. Given that a significant portion of web traffic originates from mobile devices, including Google indexing mobile versions of websites, mobile SEO has become essential for ensuring a positive user experience and maintaining visibility in search engine results.

32) What sets apart a 301 redirection from a 302 redirection?

A 301 redirection is like updating your address permanently; it informs search engines that your content has moved permanently to a new location, and they should index the new page instead. 

On the other hand, a 302 redirection is more like a temporary detour; it tells search engines that the move is temporary, and they should keep indexing the original URL while the redirection is in place for a limited time. (important SEO Interview Questions)


1) What does the role of an SEO Analyst entail?

An SEO Analyst is a professional responsible for analysing and optimising websites to improve their visibility and ranking in search engine results pages (SERPs). They work with SEO strategies, keyword research, content optimization, and performance analysis to enhance organic traffic and user engagement.

2) What are the responsibilities of an SEO Manager?

An SEO Manager indeed oversees the overall SEO strategy, team, and projects, ensuring that everything aligns with the organisation’s goals and objectives

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